All Collections
I am an Administrator
Information and advice for university and college administrators
What information is needed to set up my platform?
Where should Unibuddy go on our website? And how do I embed it?
How do I access Unibuddy embed codes?
How to drive traffic to your Unibuddy platform?
How do I customize the Prospect sign-up form?
Is Unibuddy fully accessible in China?
Does Unibuddy work on all browsers?
Drupal: How to avoid removing script tags from the embed code
Can I add a custom filter to my Widget?
Prospect Lead Data Points
What is Unibuddy Community?
How easy it is for students to make connections in Community?
How to invite students to join Community?
Get the most out of “Updates” in Unibuddy Community
How can I post .pdf files in Community?
How do Community Templates work?
How to delete a Community?
How to use Recommended Groups in Community?
How to create private group chats in Community?
How can I use Unibuddy Community throughout the academic year with my current students?
How to add ambassadors to your Community?
How to access your Community analytics.
I see a blank screen when accessing Community?
Community: Account roles & permissions
Who can delete messages in Community?
How do I access my Community as an admin?
How to review and approve student requested groups in Community
How to create a new Community?
How can I delete users in Community?
Training your ambassadors to participate in your Community
Interpreting your Community Analytics
How to use Updates in Unibuddy Community
Student to do lists in Community
October 2024: An update on new features in Community
Your Unibuddy Community content library
Is there any input required from my IT team to implement Unibuddy Community?
Can I have a Staff Ambassador in Community, but not on the Widget?
Promoting your Community to incoming students
How can I request for my account to be deleted?
How can students find the people they'll be living with in Community?
Our new combined inbox for Unibuddy Chat and Community
How to add/delete Admins in your University Dashboard?
How to manage your Degree List?
What are Unibuddy's recommended image sizes?
I'm having problems logging into the Admin Dashboard?
How do I log out?
How do I change my notification settings?
How to track your visitor data using cookies?
How to leave Unibuddy product feedback?
How to get accented characters in CSV export to display correctly?
Why is my Data different in the Analytics section and the Buddies table?
How can I edit the student ambassador's profile details?
Can deactivated Ambassadors still receive chats?
How do I export Ambassadors' time spent?
How do I delete an Ambassador account?
Why is the Area of Study field blank?
Can I add Roles and Departments for my Staff Ambassadors?
I can only see 'Major' in Degree Types?
Multiple Areas of Study (Majors & Minors)
How to add Ambassadors to your Discover platform?
How is an Ambassador's Time Spent calculated?
Can Prospects under 16 use Unibuddy?
Can I set an age limit for Prospect sign up?
How should I recruit Ambassadors?
How can I train Ambassadors?
How do I invite Ambassadors?
How do I activate and deactivate Ambassadors?
How do I export my Buddies/Ambassadors to CSV?
What's the purpose of the 'undergrad' and 'postgrad' prompts on the Ambassador sign up?
Why does the number of conversations differ in the Conversation Management Inbox and Analytics?
What does the "Created" date mean in the prospects table?
How are content views calculated?
If an Ambassador is deleted, can a Student still see their conversation?
How can I incentivize Ambassadors?
How does Unibuddy keep Ambassadors safe?
What is a Broadcast and how do I send one?
How can I customise ambassador profiles?
Can an Ambassador change their email address?
What does 'Research Time' mean in the Ambassador Time Sheet?
Why is a deactivated Ambassador still receiving messages?
In what order should I display the buddy profile fields?
Staff Ambassador can't log in to their account
How do I manage and review Staff Chats?
How do I customise the staff/ambassador welcome message?
Can I use the same email address for my staff buddy account and Unibuddy admin account?
How do I embed staff profiles?
Can prospective students connect with staff members?
What staff members and departments should be available to prospective students?
Can we update our highlight/hex colour?
How to invite prospective students to your Main Platform Widget?
Why is the Web widget running slow or not loading?
How to use Unibuddy’s Lead Attribution feature?
Why is my Degree Internal Buddy Card displaying all Buddies?
How do we get a PWA version of our widget?
Traffic driver re-directing to a different page instead of the chat page?
My traffic driver is directing to a blank page?
When the Main Buddy Platform is embedded, can "Staff" be the default tab when the page is opened?
Will an "Area of Study Popcard" still display if I have no longer have an active Ambassador from that degree programme?
What will a Course Buddy Platform display if I no longer have any active Ambassadors for that degree programme?
Using traffic drivers to improve yield
Can I add multiple traffic drivers to one page?