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A guide to your dashboards
Written by Kushagar Mehta
Updated over a week ago

Use this guide if...

  • You want to understand how to use and engage with your dashboards

  • You want to understand what each visualisation shows and what they can do

All dashboards

Date range filter

In the top right corner of your dashboard you'll find a date range filter. By default it will be set to 'Last 30 days'. Click into it and you can adjust the date range that you want to view your data by. Use some of the preset ranges, or use the calendar to select a custom range. Do so by first selecting the date you would like to start on on the left, then select the date you would like to end on on the right. View your 'All time' data by clicking the 'x' on the right side of the filter.

Export individual charts

In the top right corner of each chart, click on the 'download' icon to download the chart as a CSV or XLSX, or to save as a PNG.

Export the whole dashboard (β˜… Premium Plus)

Click "Export" to download the whole dashboard as a PNG or PDF.

Engagement Analytics

πŸ’‘ This dashboard gives an overview of prospective students' engagement with your university.

Visitors, Signups, and Conversion rate

Analyze and measure the number of sign-ups and visitors on your platform. Track the conversion rate, calculated as the percentage of visitors who signed up to your Unibuddy platform. Each of which is tracked as a total number and can be viewed on a line graph over time in order to better track trends and changes over time. These can be viewed as granularly as best suits your needs - on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.

Conversations & Messages

This tracks the total number of conversations had, and the number of messages sent by a prospective student on the chat platform, as well as during live events (including 'Microsites' and 'Webinars'). Trends and changes can also be analyzed over time using the line graph.

Sign-up traffic drivers (β˜… Premium Plus)

This bar chart tracks the various traffic drivers that students clicked on or interacted with before signing up on your platform.

Note: if the traffic driver is 'Unknown' then the prospective student has blocked their cookies.

Unibuddy platform

Traffic driver labels


Chat Platform

Chat platform

This is the core chat interface that is embedded on your institutions website.

Progressive Web App

This is a version of your core chat interface which Unibuddy hosts, and that students are redirected to from notifications if they’re visiting on mobile.

Traffic Drivers


This is the small card that can be embedded on any page of your university web page. It displays a single ambassador from your institution, or from a particular degree program, for example. Clicking on the card takes users to your embedded chat interface.

Buddy Cards

An ambassador card which can be embedded on any page of your university web page. Can be configured to show a particular group of ambassadors. Clicking on the card takes users to your embedded chat interface.


A sideways scrolling carousel of ambassadors which can be embedded on any page of your university web page. Can be configured to show a particular group of ambassadors. Clicking on the card takes users to your embedded chat interface.

Live Events
(Microsite & Webinar)

Live Events

Prospective students who signed-up through live events.
​Note: as of now, we don't differentiate between the different event platforms



Sign-ups from here could include any of the custom attributes used as lead attribution sources, or students that used our invite tool.

Content Views (β˜… Premium Plus)

Shows the total number of views on your Unibuddy content, and the number of views per topic.

Prospect demographics filters (β˜… Premium Plus)

Check out the student demographic filters at the top. They’ll allow you to slice the data in all of the charts to hone in on certain student groups. If one of your goals with Unibuddy is to diversify your student population, for example, you might use the student nationality filter to see what students from your target nationalities have been up to on your platform.

Note: you can combine multiple filters to further analyze your data.

Prospect Analytics

πŸ’‘ This dashboard gives an overview of the demographics of the prospective students engaging with you through Unibuddy.


Every chart on this page can act as a filter for the other charts. Try clicking on a country or area of study for example and watch as the other charts react. You can even combine them to get more granular.

Note: Remember to click "Clear filter" in the top left of the chart when you're done.


This map shows the number of prospective students that are from each country. Hover over countries to see how many prospective students are engaging from places from around the world. Zoom in to view smaller countries. Use the indicator in the bottom left to understand how many students are from each country at a glance.

Area of Study

This bar chart showcases the top 10 areas of study that prospective students are interested in.

Domestic Region

Shows the number of prospective students from your top 10 domestic regions.

Note: This is only available in countries where we track domestic regions.

Decision Stage (β˜… Premium Plus)

This bar chart shows the number of prospective students in each decision stage. We gather this information by asking students where they are in their decision making journey. They may update this as time goes on. This chart shows students' most recently recorded decision stage.

Level of Study (β˜… Premium Plus)

This bar chart shows the level of study that prospective students have indicated they are interested in studying.

Note: If your data says "Unknown", you may have to change your settings in the 'Prospects customisation' section of your dashboard.

Domestic & International Students (β˜… Premium Plus)

This pie chart shows the number of domestic and international students that are engaged with your ambassadors on Unibuddy. Domestic student will have stated they are from the same country as your university. If they have stated any other country, they will be counted as international.

Expected Year of Entry (β˜… Premium Plus)

This bar chart shows the expected year of entry indicated by prospected students.

Ambassador Analytics

πŸ’‘ This dashboard gives an overview of your student and staff ambassadors' engagement on Unibuddy.

Active Ambassadors

The number of ambassadors who have spent time engaging through Unibuddy during your selected time range.

Conversations & Messages

The total number of conversations had and messages sent by ambassadors on the platform.


An overview of the total time spent by ambassadors on the platform. We only capture time spent by students, and capture it by measuring their time spent on research, conversations & publishing content.

Response Rate

Average response rate is calculated based on the time your ambassadors take to reply to messages.

Content (β˜… Premium Plus)

The total number of content being published by student ambassadors, and in which topics.

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