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How to create a Microsite event?
Sean O'Dea avatar
Written by Sean O'Dea
Updated over a week ago

For video instructions on how to create a Unibuddy Microsite event, see below:

For step-by-step instructions on how to create a Unibuddy Microsite Experience where you can run multiple live sessions simultaneously, add external content, and access extensive reporting and analytics, see below:

  1. First, log into your University Dashboard.

  2. Select the Events tab on the navigation panel located on the left side of the page, then select the Microsite Experience option.

3. This will take you to a separate tab where you will sign in using your Admin credentials. Upon signing in, select the Create New Event prompt in the top right section of the page.

4. After selecting Create New Event, you will be directed to the Homepage section. This is where you will add all of your required information for the front page of your microsite (Title, Description, Start/end Time, and Hero Image; this is the image that will appear as a cover photo on your landing page).

We've added additional information panels on the right-hand side in case you are unsure of what to add or the image size you need.

5. After you've added your information and clicked Save, you'll move on to the Add Pages section. You can think of the pages you create here as the respective categories you want your Live Sessions to be grouped in.

For example, if you created several Live Sessions centered around the Admissions process, you would want to create a page for Admissions.

6. After selecting the Add a new page prompt, you will add your required information and then click Save. We recommend having no more than 20 Event Pages.

PLEASE NOTE: While the character limit of the title of your Page is 150 characters, the actual number of characters displayed on the Discover Cards shown on the home page will be limited depending on the word length and characters used.

For example, if the full 150 characters is used, this is how the Discover Card/Page would appear on the homepage:

We recommend using a short and concise name for the titles of your Pages and Live Sessions.

See video instructions on how to Add Pages below:

After you've added your pages, you will then move onto the Live Sessions area. Your individual Live Sessions will act as the channels within your microsite. They will appear in the Live Now section on your microsite when they are live or the Upcoming Sessions area if they had yet to take place.

7. To create a new session, select the Add a new session button. You will then input the basic information (Title, Description, etc.), whether you would like this Live Session to appear on the front page of your microsite, which categorical pages you would like this Live Session assigned to, and which Ambassadors/potential presenters you would like assigned to this Live Session. Then, click Save.

Similar to Live Feeds on a regular live event, Admins do not have to be assigned as presenters to have access. They can present on any Live Session they would like.

Your Live Sessions will also appear in the Agenda area of the microsite, where users can view the full schedule of sessions taking place within your event.

See video instructions on how to add Live Sessions below:

After adding your Live Sessions, the final piece needed to complete your microsite is the External Content. This is where you can add your institution's website, social media pages, etc.

Within your Live Sessions, you will also be able to view how many people are viewing the session in real-time.

8. Select the External Content tab and click on the Add new content button. You will then input the basic information (Title, Description, etc.), whether you would like this External Content to appear on the front page of your microsite, and which categorical pages you would like this External Content to be assigned to. Then, click Save.

See video instructions on how to add External Content below:

*Terminology changes will be occurring in the coming weeks.

A newly added feature available within the Microsite Experience is the ability for Admins, Staff & Student Ambassadors to resolve prospective student's questions within a chat feed.

To do so, select the three-dot icon seen below and click Resolve.

When a message is marked resolved, only Admins, Staff & Student Ambassadors can see it.

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