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Your Guide to Confidence Scores
Kenny Young avatar
Written by Kenny Young
Updated over a week ago

Unibuddy Confidence Scores are available at the individual prospect level with Unibuddy Premium Plus and Community Packages

What is the benefit to Confidence Scores?

We aim to equip you with the resources to effectively showcase student analytics, insights and engagement. This empowers you to take proactive steps to encourage applications, foster engagement, and retain students, ultimately enhancing ROI.

Incorporating confidence scores into your student engagement and funnel data analysis offers a deeper understanding of your cohorts. This unique feature of Unibuddy differentiates us from competitors, as we offer the ability to measure student confidence through self-reporting, resulting in more accurate predictions of conversion and yield outcomes.

By leveraging student confidence scoring, recruitment, admissions, and enrollment teams can achieve their goals with greater precision throughout the student journey.

What's an example of Confidence Score data I could receive? (partner spotlight)

1 in 4 of your engaged prospective students are somewhat or slightly confident in applying. Most of the prospective students are coming from India, Nigeria, Pakistan (International) and the United Kingdom (Domestic). These prospective students want:

  1. Cultural and Social Experiences: The excitement of being in a new country, meeting new people, and experiencing different cultures.

  2. Academic and Institutional Reputation: Students are drawn to institutions with a high level of respect and strong academic programs.

  3. Career Advancement: The desire for higher education is linked to the belief that it will provide more options and better career opportunities.

What does a Confidence Score tell me?

  • Students' confidence in applying and enrolling at your institution

  • Understand trends and changes in your student's confidence over time

  • Students can provide feedback on what they need to feel more confident

  • Use confidence scores in your CRM to understand and segment cohorts better

How do Confidence Scores work?

Unibuddy Chat:

When students sign up for Unibuddy Chat, they are asked to rate their confidence in applying to your institution on a scale of 1 to 5. This feedback gives you early insights into their conversion potential, helping you refine your engagement and support strategies to guide them more effectively through the application process.

Unibuddy Community:

Every 30 days, students are asked to rate, on a scale of 1 to 5, their confidence in enrolling at your institution. Admins can then view the average score across all students, offering a clear indication of their intent to attend and identifying actionable steps to support their enrollment journey.

How can I identify and segment cohorts with Confidence Scores?

Utilize confidence scores within our products to assess the likelihood of prospective students applying and enrolling. Leverage these data points to map out their intent, giving you deeper insights into your recruitment strategies.

By combining key Unibuddy insights with our confidence scores, recruitment administrators can better identify and understand their cohort. This approach allows you to categorize prospective students into the following:

Each of these cohorts can be analyzed by integrating confidence scores with Unibuddy’s unique insights such as:

  • Conversation Summaries: Analyze student concerns, needs, desires, and engagement levels on the platform.

  • Decision-Making Journey: Understand where the student is in their decision-making process.

  • Key Decision Makers: Identify what influences the student's decision to apply and enroll.

This comprehensive analysis enables a more informed approach, allowing admins to prioritize efforts on prospective students who need the most attention.

Additionally, each cohort can be further explored by drilling down into demographics, such as domestic vs. international status, areas of study and interest, all of which are linked to each prospective student.

For example, you could interpret the following cohort:

30% of Indian students interested in studying mathematics, whose key decision making criteria is “Career” and are in the "Apply" stage, report low confidence scores. To boost their confidence, consider sharing success stories from alumni.

What actions can I take with Confidence Scores?

  • Segment and personalize marketing efforts: support students who may need extra guidance by sharing relevant ambassador videos and blogs.

  • Gain deeper insights into how your recruitment activities have impacted student confidence: adjust accordingly by hosting personalized events and sharing information packs that cater to student needs.

  • Address declining student confidence: view student feedback and identify topics that could boost assurance. Implement targeted email campaigns that provide comprehensive support on those specific areas.

  • Validate your recruitment hypothesis: compare confidence scores with data from other stages of the prospect funnel and implement targeted workflow automations at critical stages of their journey.

Where can I find Confidence Scores in the Dashboard?

Unibuddy Chat:

  • Log into your admin dashboard

  • Click the Insights tab in the left-hand sidebar

  • Scroll down and click “Prospect”. Here you will have access to your prospects confidence scoring.

Unibuddy Community:

  • Log into your admin dashboard

  • Click the Community tab in the left-hand sidebar

  • Go to the Community you'd like to check

  • Click on the “Analytics” tab. Student confidence scores are located at the bottom of this page.

Where can I analyze Confidence Scores?

You can analyze confidence scores across two primary functions:

CRM Integration: Seamlessly integrate Unibuddy with your CRM system to capture real-time student confidence scores. This integration ensures faster accessibility and enhances the efficiency of data management.

Unibuddy Dashboard + Manual Export: Utilize the comprehensive tools available on the Unibuddy dashboard. Export data manually to cross-reference confidence scores with other student metrics.

Find out more in the video tutorial:

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