When the Categorize area of study into degree types feature has been turned on, you will see only Majors appearing on the Degree Types area of your University Dashboard.
This is because once this feature has been turned on for the first time, all degrees will automatically be assigned to the degree type Major.
In order to add more degree types, see the instructions below:
In your University Dashboard, select the Degrees tab, located under the Customisation drop-down menu.
Select the degrees you would like to update, then select Update Types. The dropdown list will consist of a pre-filled list of Degree types you can choose from. These are as follows; Major, Minor, Concentration, Honors, and Joint Honors.
Once these have been added, you will notice under your Degree Types page, all the degree types you have assigned to degrees will now appear.
For more information about adding multiple areas of study, please refer to the article here.