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What is Unibuddy Community?

An official space for Student-Student belonging, that you can make yours.

Sean O'Dea avatar
Written by Sean O'Dea
Updated over 2 years ago

Built for You

Learn about your students as they navigate their path through higher education. Use your existing tools to track these insights, understand their journey, and the choices they made along the way.

Designed for Students

They get answers to their questions. Meet their peers. Get to know people like them. And make lifelong friends!

Using Community Marketing to Reduce Summer Melt

Reduce Summer Melt

People trust people. Today’s cohort of Students are more influenced by one another than traditional forms of marketing (700% more!). Use Unibuddy Community to be a part of these conversations.

Evolve Your Digital Strategy With Community Marketing

Break down barriers, empower other departments to be a part of your Community. From orientation to Student welfare, professional services to alumni - your colleagues can contribute too.

A Purpose Built Solution for Higher Ed That'll Save You Time

Rely on one tool that’s been designed explicitly for Community building and is unique to your institution. A tool Students want to use, where they can keep their social profiles separate from their studies.

Getting started

Check out our other articles to help you get set up on Community

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