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How can Admins bulk resolve conversations?

An exciting new feature for admins to easily resolve conversations in bulk.

Jack Johnson avatar
Written by Jack Johnson
Updated over 11 months ago

Unresolved conversations

When a prospective student sends a final message in a conversation and no follow-up response is submitted by ambassadors, the message is treated as “unanswered” or “unresolved”.

What's expected of this feature

The bulk resolve feature allows you to mark a group of unanswered conversations as resolved. The logic helps to identify unanswered conversations between the ambassadors and prospective students within the chosen date range. This will not apply to archived conversations.

How to use the Bulk Resolve feature?

  1. Go to the Conversation Management tab on the University Dashboard

  2. See the "Manage in Bulk" button at the top right navigation area

  3. Click on Manage in Bulk

  4. Specify the date range of the unanswered conversations you want to mark as resolved. The date range uses the date of the last message sent by the prospect.

  5. Press Resolve

  6. You will see a confirmation screen that reflects the number of conversations processed

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