Please ensure you have completed Step 1 before proceeding with the next steps.
1.Once the Support team has added your URL to the Unibuddy backend, the Stop icon should then appear green and say Successfully Determined. Once that change has occurred, click OK.
2. Select the Add another module icon.
3. Search for and select your applicable CRM.
4. From the drop-down list, scroll down and select the Create/Update a Contact option. These options may vary depending on the CRM you're using.
5. Under Connection, select the Add button then sign into your CRM from the popup.
6. Select the relevant University account and click Choose Account, then Connect App.
7. Under Property Groups, select the Contact Information option.
8. Begin field mapping by clicking your cursor on the applicable prompt and selecting the correct field to add.
For example, select the email
field for the "Email" prompt.
9. Once field mapping is complete, select OK.
10. Exit the editing view by selecting the "back" arrow button.
11. Set the toggle in the upper-right section to On.
From here, your Unibuddy/Make connection should be all set.