For instructions on how to update a record in your CRM if there is already a lead record in place and replace it by creating a new lead record in Zapier, see the instructions below.
The example below uses Hubspot as the destination CRM, but this also works for other CRM's as well.
Prior to starting setting up Zapier, no matter which CRM you are using, please create a field called UnibuddyId in your CRM. This field will be mapped to the unique identifier that is sent over with each prospect as "id"
Create Zap
Log into Zapier.
Select the Create Zap prompt.
3. In the App event area, select the Webhooks by Zapier option.
4. In the Event area, search for and select Catch Hook, then select Continue.
5. In the Set up trigger area, select Continue.
6. In the Test trigger area, copy the Webhook URL and send it to the Unibuddy Customer Support team. Once they confirm that your Webook URL has been added to the Unibuddy backend, you should receive sample data shortly thereafter. After you've received the test data, click on Continue.
7. Connect your Zap to your CRM in the Action area. Within that area, search for and select your CRM (in this example: Hubspot).
8. After selecting your CRM, search for the contact created from the test data. In the Event area, search for and select Find Contact, then click on Continue.
9. In the Set up action area, click into the First search property name area, search Unibuddy, then select Contact Information: Unibuddyid.
Once you select the First search property value area,
Zapier will show you the fields that have been received from the webhook. You would then need to select the field entitled "ID."
Zapier automatically retrieve several properties from your CRM, see the example below in the
Properties to retrieve
10. In the Additional properties to retrieve area, search for and select Contact information: UnibuddyId.
Then, answer "No" in the Should this step be considered a "success" when nothing is found? prompt. After this step, select Continue.
11. In the Event: Find Contact area, after selecting Continue, review the data fields, then select continue.
Create Action Paths
Option 1: If the contact is found in HubSpot.
In the 2. Action area, within the App event prompt, search for "paths" and select the Paths by Zapier option.
When the Paths by Zapier option has been selected, Zapier will automatically create two paths. See example below:
3. In the 4. Path Rules section, under the Rules setup & testing area, add the following data points to the Only continue if... prompt, then select Continue.
Contact information: UnibuddyId (this is the previous field mentioned at the top of the article).
(Test) Exactly Matches
1: ID (Unique prospect identifier that Unibuddy sends, as mentioned at the top of the article).
See the sequence you will follow below:
4. In the 5. Update Contact in HubSpot section, select Continue.
Then in the next area, select your HubSpot account and select Continue once again.
Option 2: If the contact is found in not found in HubSpot.
Follow the steps in Option 1, but in the Path Rules section, under the Rules setup & testing area, add the following data points to the Only continue if... prompt, then select Continue.
Contact information: UnibuddyId
Does not exist
Contact information: UnibuddyId
(Test) Does Not Exactly Match
1: ID: 1234
See the sequence you will follow below: