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SSO Setup
Jack Johnson avatar
Written by Jack Johnson
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In order for your institution to integrate with Unibuddy to facilitate Single Sign On, you must be integrated with an Identity Provider which is compatible with either OIDC or SAML authentication frameworks. These are standard frameworks that we work with.

For SAML (e.g Azure AD):

  1. Unibuddy will provide 2 pieces of information:

    1. Callback URL (ACS) - known as REPLY URL in Azure

    2. Issuer ID - known as Identity or Entity ID in Azure and is unique to you.

  2. You can adds these values to your IdP

    1. These are the only 2 required pieces of information in Azure and they are both supplied to section 1 of the Azure SAML SSO setup

  3. Once these are setup, let Unibuddy know the certificate in Base64 format ( Section 3 in Azure) and Login URL (Section 4 in Azure)

  4. Unibuddy will then complete the SSO setup


  1. Create a client application representing Unibuddy in the Identity Provider's system and take note of the Client ID & Client Secret

  2. Share the following items with Unibuddy team:

    1. Client ID

    2. Client Secret

    3. Authorization endpoint

    4. Token endpoint

    5. User information endpoint

  3. At this point, Unibuddy will share a redirect URL with your university, pass this URL to your IT team and ask them to add it to the client application. It will look something like this

  4. Ask your IT team for confirmation that the redirect URL has been saved, and let Unibuddy know.

  5. Unibuddy will let you know when the configuration is complete, and then your integration is complete.

  1. Unibuddy will also setup and share a university-specific vanity URL that your teams will need to use to set the necessary SSO cookies on browsers.

  2. The Unibuddy team will work with you to test out the integration.

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