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Training Ambassadors for Unibuddy

You’ve now recruited your A-team of ambassadors; time to empower them with the knowledge they need to be successful.

Jack Johnson avatar
Written by Jack Johnson
Updated over a week ago

Unibuddy-led training and resources available to ambassadors:


Help Center Links

Monthly live Ambassador training

Pre-recorded Ambassador training

Staff training

Admin training

How to join as a student or staff Ambassador

Information you need on your profile

Download the Unibuddy app

Ambassador Handbook

Suggestions for admin-led training:



Ambassador team kick-off

This is your chance to create a real sense of community among your ambassadors and help them bond as a group. Remind them of the value of their roles, why they were chosen, and how they are an extension of your marketing, recruitment, and enrollment teams. Make sure ice-breaker activities are included!

Use this time to run a role-play so your ambassadors can get a feel for the real-life scenarios they will be in. This will help them get in the zone!

Ask them:

  • Why did you choose your program? What do you like or dislike about it?

  • Have you made friends since enrolling?

  • What do you do for social activities?

  • What questions would you ask a prospective student?

1:1 Check-ins

1:1 check-ins on a weekly or bi-weekly basis provide an opportunity to see how your ambassadors are doing, give feedback, make them aware of safeguarding or other policies, and share updates from the university.

Team building workshop (with lunch!)

We recommend running a monthly workshop once your ambassadors are settled and familiar with the platform. It’s a great way to create an integrated monthly content calendar and share ideas and learnings. And most importantly, hang out!

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